Housing Rehabilitation Program

Low to moderate income homeowners that reside in the City of Grand Prairie may be eligible for a home improvement loan through the Housing Rehabilitation Program.

The program provides full rehab assistance up to $30,000 and reconstruction up to $150,000 for citizens 60 and older or disabled combining CDBG and/or HOME funds. Liens are filed to protect the City’s investment on single family low to moderate owner-occupied units.

Depending on income, available assistance includes Deferred Payment Loans (DPL) and 0%, 1% or 3% loans for single-family housing rehabilitation. Multi-family rehabilitation assistance is not available.

The purpose of the Housing Rehabilitation Program is to prevent the decline and deterioration of qualified single-family occupied structures by helping them maintain their home through rehabilitation. 

Eligible Applicants

  • Applicant must be at least 60 years of age or long-term disabled and provide disability statement to verify.
  • Applicant must not have a reverse mortgage on the property.
  • Owner-occupied within the city limits of Grand Prairie and have been primary residence for three years.
  • Applicant must not have received prior assistance from the City under any housing program (any deviation from this requirement must be approved by the Director or Manager).
  • Applicant must complete all application documents along with qualifying documents before the process will begin.
  • Applicant’s annual income must not exceed 80% of the median income for the City of Grand Prairie as set by HUD, see below.
  • Applicant must not have a deferred property tax of $50,000 or greater.

How the Program Works:

Housing and Neighborhood Services receives prospective applicants from walk-ins, telephone calls and referrals. Housing and Neighborhood Services is responsible for:

  • Initial assessment of housing conditions
  • Documentation of applicant eligibility
  • Inspection of housing unit
  • Preparation of general work specifications
  • Collection and processing bids
  • Certification of repair contractors
  • Monitoring construction work

Apply Online Now

Income Limits

Dallas County

1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5 Person 6 Person 7 Person 8 Person
(Deferred Payment Loan DPL)
CDBG & HOME EXTREMELY LOW 30% $23,200 $26,500 $29,800 $33,100 $35,750 $38,400 $41,050 $43,700
(DPL $30,000/0% Combo)
CDBG & HOME VERY LOW 50% $38,650 $44,150 $49,650 $55,150 $59,600 $64,000 $68,400 $72,800
    Maximum income for Emergency Repair Program          
(DPL $15,000/1% Combo)
CDBG & HOME VERY LOW 60% $46,380 $52,980 $59,580 $66,180 $71,520 $76,800 $82,080 $87,360
(3% Loan)
CDBG & HOME LOW 80% $61,800 $70,600 $79,450 $88,250 $95,350 $102,400 $109,450 $116,500


Tarrant County

1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5 Person 6 Person 7 Person 8 Person
(Deferred Payment Loan DPL)
CDBG & HOME EXTREMELY LOW 30% $21,400 $24,450 $27,500 $30,550 $33,000 $35,450 $37,900 $40,350
(DPL $30,000/0% Combo)
CDBG & HOME VERY LOW 50% $35,700 $40,800 $45,900 $50,950 $55,050 $59,150 $63,200 $67,300
    Maximum income for Emergency Repair Program          
(DPL $15,000/1% Combo)
CDBG & HOME VERY LOW 60% $42,840 $48,960 $55,080 $61,140 $66,060 $70,780 $75,840 $80,760
(3% loan)
CDBG & HOME LOW 80% $57,050 $65,200 $73,350 $81,500 $88,500 $94,550 $101,100 $107,600



  • Family sizes in excess of 8 persons are calculated by adding 8% of the four-person income limit for each additional family member.
  • That is, a 9-person limit should be 140% of the 4-person limit, the 10-person limit should be 148%.
  • The income limit values for large households (9-12 persons) must be rounded to the nearest $50.
  • Therefore, all values from 1 to 24 are rounded down to 0, and all values from 25 to 49 are rounded up to 50.

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