Protect Natural Floodplain Areas
The City of Grand Prairie is a beautiful place to live. The undisturbed river bottoms of the Trinity River and wetlands provide a wide range of benefits to the human and natural systems.
Grand Prairie's local marshes and wetlands provide breeding and feeding grounds for fish and wildlife, create and enhance waterfowl habitat, and protect habitats for rare and endangered species. The floodplains are an important asset. They provide open space, aesthetic pleasure and areas for active and passive uses. They also provide flood storage and conveyance, reduce flood velocities, and flood peaks.
The City of Grand Prairie is a "Water Smart" community, and has implemented a number of programs and ordinances to encourage residents to conserve water year-round, and avoid contaminating the soil and waterways.
The City’s Public Works Department works to educate residents regarding "Don't Clog the Drain."
Code Compliance officers help monitor activities associated with protecting the City’s floodplains and waterways.
The City offers residents convenient ways to eliminate junk, litter, debris, tree trimmings and brush left in yards, which clog storm drains and block natural waterways. Properly removing these items helps prevent over bank flooding that could otherwise occur in low-lying areas and along waterways. City services include Garbage and Recycling Collection, Brush Pickup Program, and Household Hazardous Waste Collection Days.