The PID advisory board is responsible for the preparation of a service plan that is presented to the city. The service plan must cover a period of at least five years and must also define the annual indebtedness and the projected costs for improvements. This service plan shall be reviewed and updated annually for the purpose of determining the annual budget for improvements.
The yearly assessments are based on the annual budget. The City Council must hold a public hearing each year prior to the adoption of the service plan, the assessment rate, and approval of the assessment roll.
New owners must sign a statement before purchasing the property acknowledging that they will pay PID assessments with their property taxes.
The PID Advisory Board is then directly responsible for managing the improvements outlined in their petition. The board can hire contractors, maintenance personnel, or purchase materials necessary to develop and/or maintain their improvements. The level of quality of the improvements rests with the PID Board and is managed based on the assessment rate adopted annually.