Mosquito Spraying Schedule
When and where?
The City of Grand Prairie conducts regular tests on mosquito samples throughout the city as part of its West Nile Virus surveillance program. After a mosquito sample tests positive for West Nile Virus, the city schedules to spray the neighborhood where the mosquito was found. The spraying is scheduled in areas testing positive for infected mosquitoes every Wednesday and Thursday night starting at 9 p.m., weather permitting, from April through October. When positive samples of mosquito-borne diseases are found, we post information including a map of the spray area at the top of this web page.
How do I know if my neighborhood will be sprayed?
Any upcoming mosquito spray locations are posted at the top of this web page. You can sign up to receive email notification any time a new spray location is posted by clicking the "subscribe to this page" link at the bottom of the page.
You can also sign up for phone notification through AlertGP, the City of Grand Prairie's emergency notification system. Subscribers in affected areas will receive a phone call.
You can Like the City's Facebook Page and follow the City of Grand Prairie on Twitter for social media updates on upcoming spray locations.
What happens if my neighborhood is sprayed?
Residents in an area scheduled to be sprayed are advised to stay indoors, keep pets inside, and cover fish ponds during those times. Spraying will be rescheduled if wind speeds are above 10 mph or in the event of rain.
All Grand Prairie residents are asked to help eliminate the areas that mosquitoes need to breed by emptying, removing or covering any receptacle that can hold water.
To prevent mosquito bites, residents are advised to use an insect repellent containing at least 30 percent DEET (lower concentration for children) and stay indoors at dawn and dusk.