Liquid Waste Hauler

The Public Health and Environmental Quality Department ensures all liquid waste disposal companies operating within Grand Prairie have current state and city permits, maintain accurate documentation of manifests required for generation, transportation and disposal of wastes, and maintain equipment.


Step 1.Review Requirements

View City of Grand Prairie Liquid Waste Ordinance

View Liquid Waste Hauler Check List(PDF, 106KB)

The Liquid Waste Hauler Permit Application requires submitting the following information:

  • Copy of TCEQ Waste-Hauler Permit/Registration
  • Vehicle insurance
  • Grand Prairie inspection or inspection report/permit from Dallas or Fort Worth
  • Business contact information
  • Manager of Operations information including copy of driver's license
  • Parent company name and contact information (if applicable)
  • For each vehicle to be permitted: year, make, gallons, license number, vehicle ID#, inspected by, and fee
  • Type of liquid waste to be transported
  • Names of permitted disposal facility/facilities to be used and list of contact persons

Step 2.Apply

Fill out the Liquid Waste Hauler Permit Application(PDF, 93KB) and submit in person to the Public Health and Environmental Quality Department.

City Hall
300 W. Main Street, 2nd Floor
Grand Prairie, Texas 75050

Business Hours:
8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday

Phone: 972-237-8055



Approximately 100 vehicles are permitted yearly.

  • $200 for each truck.
  • $25 Trip Ticket Books (including tax)

In addition, transporters are required to purchase manifest books, unless they are only transporting waste from chemical toilets. In this case, they must submit quarterly reports documenting the date of transport, volume transported, and disposal sites.

Application and payment are submitted through the online Customer Self-Service portal.

What happens next?

After completing the online application, allow 48 hours for processing applications.