Litter Cleanup Programs
Programs to help make Grand Prairie a clean place to live, work, and play.
The Adopt-A-Cemetery program is a cooperative effort between the city, our residents, business owners, clubs, and organizations to keep our cemeteries clean and beautiful.
Celebrating the Trinity River and its tributaries by making sure our streams are litter free!
The Adopt-A-Street program is a cooperative effort between the city, our residents, business owners, clubs, and organizations to keep our right-of-ways and neighborhoods clean and beautiful. Interested parties may adopt one or more sections of roadway in Grand Prairie.
Household Hazardous Waste Collection
Grand Prairie residents have the option of bringing household hazardous wastes to one of the Environmental Quality Division's monthly Household Hazardous Waste Collections. Registration is required.
Litter-Free Hotline
Grand Prairie residents may report illegal dumping or excessive litter at public spaces by calling our Litter-Free Hot Line, 972-237-4550.
Report a Litterer
Don’t Mess with Texas asks you to Report a Litterer using their online form. Even after more than 35 years of the Don’t mess with Texas campaign, litterbugs still roam the roadways, tossing trash from their car windows and letting litter fly out of their truck beds. We’re talking about cigarette butts, fast food wrappers, and the like. They’re small, but they’re still trash.
Roadway Litter Collection Program
The City of Grand Prairie employs a Litter Crew that collects litter on main roadways and thoroughfares in Grand Prairie to ensure that the streets in Grand Prairie are litter-free. For more information, please call 972-237-8151.
Street Sweeping
The City of Grand Prairie has a contract for street sweeping services, ensuring that the streets in Grand Prairie are clean and litter-free. For more information, please call 972-237-8151.
Trash Off
Clean your house and get rid of your junk during "Trash Off" events at the Grand Prairie Landfill.