Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3)

Prior to any earth disturbing activities, the owner/operator is responsible for the preparation of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3).


Step 1.Review Requirements

A fully executed SWP3 shall be submitted electronically to the Stormwater Department for review and acceptance. The SWP3 shall be prepared in accordance with the TPDES Construction General Permit and the City of Grand Prairie Ordinances.

The SWP3 shall include at a minimum the Erosion Control Plan and Landscaping Plans, as well as all the TPDES Construction General Permit(PDF, 66KB) requirements.

Prior to any earth disturbing activities, the Stormwater Department or designee shall inspect Best Management Practices (BMPs).

View Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) Requirements for Submittal(PDF, 72KB)

Step 2.Submit

Please submit the fully executed SWP3 electronically through email to the City of Grand Prairie Stormwater Department:

You are welcome to call or visit in person for help with the SWP3 submittal. 

Phone: 972-237-8536
City Hall - Stormwater Division
300 W. Main Street
Grand Prairie, Texas 75050
Business Hours:
8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday


There is no fee for the SWP3.

What happens next?

After completing the online application, permits are processed in approximately 3-5 business days. Depending on updates needed from the applicant, as this can result in longer approval times.