Library Cards and Checking Out

Getting a library card

Visit the front desk at any library branch to get a physical library card. You can also get a library card number online (no physical card) by filling out the form below. Library cards are free at all library locations.

For customers  16 years and older, please bring a valid government issued ID; younger customers should bring a parent to fill out the application.

Checking out and returning items

Physical items check out for 3 weeks.  Your items will auto-renew when they are due (unless another patron has requested them) up to three times. You will be notified by email which items have been renewed, and which items must be returned. 

Items can be returned to any Grand Prairie library, the Lake Parks Book Locker, and the Epic Reads kiosk at The Epic. Some items, due to their size or category, must be returned inside the Library.

Digital items have different due dates, and they will return automatically.


If an item is late or lost

Overdue fees vary by item type.

.25 per day:

  • books
  • audiobooks

.50 per day

  • MiFi hotspots

1.00 per day

  • DVDs
  • InterLibrary Loans

To pay a library fine, visit any library branch, or pay your fines online.

If you have lost an item, please call us at 972-237-5700 to discuss the cost to replace it.