Recycling for Business

Recycling Service Providers

Businesses that have a dumpster for their waste, cannot utilize Grand Prairie’s curbside recycling program. Businesses are free to choose any recycling provider for recycling services. The City of Grand Prairie does not endorse any private business. The list below is only a partial list of permitted companies and does not constitute a referral by the City of Grand Prairie.

General commercial recycling permitted providers/haulers(PDF, 440KB)

Register for Curbside Recycling for Commercial Bag Customers

Commercial bag or cart service customers are eligible to participate in Grand Prairie's curbside recycling program! By participating in the program, you will be playing a vital role in the conservation of our natural resources and helping the city run more efficiently by extending the life of our landfill.


Fill out the form below or you may fill out a PDF registration form(PDF, 2MB)  and email it to

Click here to view form.

After registering, please pick up an 18-gallon green plastic bin from the landfill located at 1102 MacArthur Blvd. during operating hours (Monday-Saturday 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.). Your recycling will then be picked up curbside once each week.

Examples of Charges
Garbage/Trash Service Only (one cubic yard/month) $29.19 + tax
Garbage/Trash and Recycling Service $31.19 + tax


Additional bins are $5 each and may be purchased at the City's Landfill.