Delfasco Forge Superfund Site


The former Delfasco Forge facility operated at the corner of Main St. and NE 28th St. as a munitions manufacturing and forge operation since the 1950s. The facility ceased operations in 1998. The source of contamination is the soil and groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents. About 80 homes in that area sit atop the contaminated soil, between Main St., NE 28th St., Rinehart and NE 32nd St. Vapors from the chemicals are able to rise up through the soil and into homes. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency conducted a vapor intrusion investigation of the neighborhood in 2008, sampling sub-slabs, crawl spaces and indoor air in 16 homes and two commercial structures. Ten of the 18 structures had measurable levels of trichloroethylene (TCE) in indoor air from vapors.

Since 2008, EPA has offered vapor mitigation systems to qualifying homes and continues to do so. Vapors are not a concern in open air, only inside structures above the groundwater contamination. Residents within the plume area are asked not to use well water for drinking water, but instead to use the city’s tap water which is 100% safe. The city’s goal is to have all homes within the area of concern accept indoor testing by the EPA so that the need to install a vapor mitigation system is evaluated to protect the health of the occupants. Those homes directly above the plume are able to get a system without testing. Funding through the federal Superfund program will allow for further testing and remediation of the soils and groundwater. View more information at the EPA's Delfasco Forge Superfund Site page

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Public Meeting

Last Meeting: 

August 10, 2023 at the Shotwell Life Center

Previous meeting: 


EPA Milestones

Milestone Date(s)
Initial assessment completed 12/18/2008
Proposed to the National Priorities List 05/17/2018
Finalized on the National Priorities List 09/13/2018
Remedial investigation started 08/08/2019 
Remedy selected June 2023 
Remedial action started Not yet achieved
Construction completed Not yet achieved
Deleted from National Priorities List  Not yet achieved
Most recent five-year review Not yet achieved
Achieved sitewide ready for anticipated reuse  Not yet achieved


Last Action Completed by EPA on Site

In summer 2020, EPA completed remedial investigations as well as two field-scale pilot studies to assess soil vapor extraction (SVE) and an in-situ treatment barrier as potential methods for addressing and lowering soil and groundwater contamination at the site source region. For the SVE system, one extraction and three observation wells were constructed to evaluate contamination concentrations before, during, and the end of the test cycle. The distances to place the proposed SVE wells was also evaluated.

For the in-situ treatment barrier, two permanent wells were installed to conduct baseline, groundwater sampling and analyses, and a water injection test, to measure the effective dose of remedial amendments needed to inject into the groundwater table. The results were also used to determine the optimal spacing and configuration to install the proposed groundwater remedial infrastructure. Thirty three injection points were constructed and a solution of activated vegetable oil, to grow anaerobic microbes, and fine-iron filings, to embed in the groundwater table, was injected during the pilot study to begin the groundwater remediation process at the most contaminated region at the site.

A summary of RI activities, results, and other pertinent site information is documented in the focused feasibility study report that was completed in March 2021. The information in the FFS report will be used to support an Interim Record of Decision, the document that will describe the proposed, temporary remedy and technologies that will be implemented to begin addressing and lowering contamination in the soil and groundwater at the site.

Public Information Repositories

The EPA provides space for the public to view records related to Superfund work at this site.

Tony Shotwell Library
2750 Graham St
Grand Prairie, TX 75050
Phone: 972-237-7540

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get a vapor mitigation system?
Contact the EPA at 214-665-7142 or email  

Can a renter authorize installation of the vapor mitigation system?
The homeowner must authorize the installation of the system. We encourage renters to speak with their landlords about this possibility.

What are the next steps for the Delfasco Forge Superfund Site?

The U.S. EPA and TCEQ had a meeting on August 10 at 6:30 PM at the Shotwell Life Center to discuss the next steps for the Delfasco Forge Superfund Site. Stay tuned for further information.



Hope Schroeder
Remedial Project Manager
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Region 6  Superfund Remediation (SEDRA)
1201 Elm Street, Suite 500
Dallas, Texas 75270-2102

Ed Mekeel III
Acting Section Chief
ORAXO (Office of the Regional Administrator: Outreach, Community Involvement & Engagement)
Environmental Protection Agency, Region VI

Texas Department of State Health Services

Jessica Price, MS
Health Educator
Health Assessment and Toxicology Program
Environmental Surveillance and Toxicology Branch

Eric J. Lawrence, MS
Community Health Improvement Division
Health Assessment and Toxicology Program

City of Grand Prairie

Cindy Mendez
Public Health and Environmental Quality Director
300 W. Main St.
Grand Prairie, TX  75050