Standard Details and Resources for Private Development Projects

City of Grand Prairie Standard Details

Standard Engineering Details 

Yard Drain Details

Plan Review

Rolling-type schedule for civil plan reviews: Plan Review Calendar(PDF, 29KB) 

Summary of City standards for civil engineering plans: Private Development Plan Review Guide(PDF, 193KB) 

General Notes for Development and Construction to be included with civil plans (three different file type options):

Visit the Submit Civil Engineering Plans for Review page for more information.

Plan Submittal Documents

Released for Construction Stamp

Developer Cover Sheet

GPTX-PD-Cover-V2K.dwg(DWG, 2MB) - Standard cover sheet for private development projects in AutoCAD format. This file references two image files:

Standard Record Drawing Stamp

  • gptx_rec_stamp(DXF, 28KB) - CAD format file of standard record drawing stamp. This stamp will need to be placed on each sheet of the record civil engineering plans at the completion of the project and signed and dated by the engineer of record. Exceptions to this are that the plat and city standard details do not need to include the record drawing stamp.
  • gptx_rec_stamp(PDF, 13KB) - PDF version of the record drawing stamp.

Project Info Block

Sample file containing various layer definitions used by the city: Prototype.las(LAS, 5KB)

Summary of City standards for civil engineering plansPrivate Development Plan Review Guide(PDF, 193KB) 

General Notes for Development and Construction to be included with civil plans (three different file type options):

Engineering Standard Detail Sheets


Visit the Civil Engineering Plan Submittal Process page for more information on submitting plans.

Wastewater Criteria